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  1. Prayers in Sukhasana

  2. Parvatasana in Sukhasana

  3. Sukhasana going forward

  4. Siddhasana

  5. Adho Mukha Svanasana

  6. Uttanasana

  7. Adho Mukha Svanasana

  8. Gomukhasana preparation, seated on the floor or support

    . Spine straight, hands of on the knee
    . Spine straight, twist both sides
    . Move forward keeping the groins and hips relaxed
    . Move forward and twist towards the side of the bend leg

  9. Adho Mukha Svanasana

10. Supta Sukhasana 11.Supta Baddha Konasana

12. Dandasana

13. Janu Sirsasana
14. Baddha Konasana, back to the wall, use height bellow the botox and weights on the

thighs. Crossed belts between waste and opposite knee to bring the heads of the femur bones in - 6 to 12 mnts
15. Adho Mukha Svanasana
16. Bharadvajasana I
17. Bharadvajasana II
18. Malasana, easy variation, hold the knees and release the head
19. Malasana II, hold the back of the ankles and let the head drop to the floor

20. Supta Padanghustasana I, II and III
21. Yoga Nidrasana preparation cycle

. Lay down in supta tadasana and bend the two legs keeping the feet on the floor

. Bring the right tibia bone vertical keeping the knee close to the right armpit 

. Repeat other side

. Repeat the first first preparation but now extend the left leg on the floor 22.Supine open hips cycle 

. Lay down in supta tadasana and bend the two legs keeping the feet on the floor

. Place the right foot close to the left knee and pull the right knee away from you then repeat other side

. Place the right foot in the middle of the left thigh and pull the right knee away from you then repeat other side

. Place the right foot close to the left groin and pull the right knee away from you then repeat other side

23. Dandasana
24. Ardha Padmasana
25. Padamasana
26. Padmasana in Anantasana
27. Simhasana
28. Parvatasana in Padmasana
29. Salamba Sarvangasana - 5 to 8 mnts 30. Halasana
31. Padmasana in Sarvangasana
32. Matsyasana
33. Uttana Padasana
34. Savasana

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